Subject: MSR Transcendental Wild Oats Author: Louisa May Alcott Uploaded By: HOST Comp Joots Date: 3/2/2002 File: Transcendental Wild Oats.lit (106092 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 12 Equipment: Windows computer and Pocket PC Needs: MS Reader Keywords: Transcendental Wild Oats A Chapter from an Unwritten Romance by Louisa May Alcott Transcendental Wild Oats A Chapter from an Unwritten Romance by Louisa May Alcott "The vexed question of light was settled by buying a quantity of bayberry wax for candles; and, on discovering that no one knew how to make them, pine knots were introduced, to be used when absolutely necessary. Being summer, the evenings were not long, and the weary fraternity found it no great hardship to retire with the birds. The inner light was sufficient for most of them. But Mrs. Lamb rebelled. Evening was the only time she had to herself, and while the tired feet rested the skilful hands mended torn frocks and little stockings, or anxious heart forgot its burden in a book. So "mother's lamp" burned steadily, while the philosophers built a new heaven and earth by moonlight; and through all the metaphysical mists and philanthropic pyrotechnics of that period Sister Hope played her own little game of "throwing light," and none but the moths were the worse for it." Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) is one of America's most famous children's writer. _Little Women_, a fictional/biographical tale of her childhood, is her most famous novel. Bronson Alcott, her father, was a well-known educator and arranged to have her tutored by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. During the Civil War, she worked as a nurse. Alcott also wrote "thrillers" under a pseudonym. At keyword: Etext, you'll find thousands of interesting books.